Saturday, March 13, 2010


Friends have been asking how Emma is doing and how her big sis Luna is taking to being an auntie. Both are doing great! These are a few photos of Emma doing what she does very well - being a loving mom to her 8 Chinook pups.

Sister Luna is getting special runs at the park for some personal attention and Luna is slowly having more interaction with her lil' nieces and nephews. Emma is going to need Luna's help in a few weeks! I remember Emma's mom Ursa's litter - at about two-three weeks Ursa turned to her sis Crystal and said: "They're yours now!" :)


  1. emma is indeed doing very well - eating like a horse (and loving the extra food...she always was a foodie!). Auntie Luna is happy to help, but I think she'll be more excited about the pups when they can play back - she's always loved puppies! I can't wait to see how she does as they get bigger - and emma gets tired of them hanging on her :)

  2. Emma looks so much like her grandma Kali in these photos! I'll get some photos out to share.
