Well 7 weeks marks some big adventures for these little guys! On Tuesday, we packed everyone into Nancy's van for their first car ride - to the eye doctor! The pups did a really nice job of crating for the ride. It took them about five minutes to settle in the gigantic crate we had for them. They slept for the duration or quietly chewed on a pig ear that they shared. They even slept comfortably through our stop for a lunch break but we made sure to close the car doors v-e-r-y quietly. :)
We set up an xpen for the pupsters when we got to the vet's office, where the pups were greeted by some kids and office workers who happened by - the people pleasantly surprised to find a litter of 8 Chinook pups in their midst! We were extremely pleased to find that the pups waited to potty til they were placed in their xpen - Housetraining should come easy for this puppy pack!
The pups were very social and calm for their vet visit. We had all eight pups in the exam room at the same time for about an hour's visit. All the pups had run of the room at once, and they got the chance to explore and play and they had a great first time experience in a vet exam room. They had their little eyes dilated so Dr. Abrams could check them out - no retinal eye diseases in anyone! They promptly sacked out on the floor of the vet's office - no anxiety in this bunch!
(Photo courtesy of Dr. Ken Abrams) In addition to their first car ride and vet office visit, they got to go on their first field trip! On the way home we stopped at the Stonington Fairgrounds for some meadow play. Their reward for a job well done was a romp at the fairgrounds where there are acres and acres of fields to play in. One thing that thrilled them was to snorfle in the thick spring grasses. The pups would burrow down, legs all stretch out and on their bellies, and squirm their way forward. Very cute to watch!
Check out the ears on Yellow as she plans to tackle her brother!
And a nice natural stack by Pink, while her sibs wrestle in the background!
Green had to show off his free stack as well, as he got ready to pounce on some unsuspecting sibling!
Still the calmest in the bunch, Black decided to pose next to some neat local fauna!
Adventurous sisters - Orange and Pink climbed up a large dirt pile without hesitation!
And Thursday we did it all again - this time to the doctor's office for health checks. Everyone did wonderful, not a shy or anxious puppy in the bunch! This time on the way home we stopped at Pachaug State Forest - for some water play and trail hiking. Pictures to come soon!
New photos are also up on: http://www.intervalechinooks.net/ChinookPuppies_2010.html